Sporting Wood Montauk Darter
Sporting Wood Montauk Darter
Sporting Wood Montauk Darter
Sporting Wood Montauk Darter
Sporting Wood Montauk Darter
Sporting Wood Montauk Darter
Sporting Wood Montauk Darter

Sporting Wood Montauk Darter

At just over 6" long and weighing just over 2 ounces this classic lure has a side to side sweep that to this day remains one of the best "catching" lures. 

Word from Larry:

Montauk Darter, Pinchney inspired, but with my "improvements". The center hook has been removed and the forward hook brought back a bit toward the center. It is bottom weighted to make up for the difference of the weight of the missing hook as well as to bring the center of gravity lower to avoid "roll out". It is also tail weighted for longer casting and less "tumble". Both darters swim at approx. 3-5 ft. depth depending on the retrieve rate and rip speed. 

All NBT and SW swimming lures fish best if the speed of retrieve  is varied and "jigging" or "twitching" is included.

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